Jon Douglas

Jon Douglas

Chief Information Officer, Credit Union of America

Credit Union of America
Credit Union of America’s Chief Lending Officer and Chief Information Officer, David Germann and Jon Douglas, on how they nurture a strong community spirit

Jon Douglas, Chief Information Officer, Credit Union of America

Now Chief Information Officer at Credit Union of America, Jon Douglas would not have believed you if you told him this 20 years prior when starting out in the US Air Force. Supporting the Air Force’s IT and cybersecurity “from every level starting at the help desk all the way up to communications and security”, Douglas’ time in the military instilled “a sense of leadership” in him. 

People skills have been a massive part of this, as Douglas notes: “Being a leader is not about telling people what to do, it's actually getting to know your people, understanding them, spending time with them, and creating that environment where people want to work for you, not that they have to work for you.”

For Douglas, a job is not just a job, but a part of life that should be nurtured and treated in the same way as any other aspect of life. “I love to create an environment where people want to work with me, and making sure that I’m being there for them and showing them that working here at Credit Union of America is not just a job.

“I like creating an environment where colleagues want to talk after work, before work, and we’ve even created an environment where my colleagues and I hang out on weekends. This is definitely the environment I like to have and I hope I have managed to expand that in my time here.

“When people feel a sense of community, then it's not just a job. They're going to enjoy coming to work, getting up in the morning and doing what needs to be done.”

Read the full story HERE.

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