Nick Lawler

Nick Lawler

Market Sales Director UK&I at Mambu

With the global banking market on the cusp of change, Mambu’s Market Sales Director for UK&I Nick Lawler explains how the platform is leading the charge

With markets, behaviours and customer demands changing quickly, financial institutions need to act with speed. And with McKinsey predicting the pace of change in the banking industry will speed up significantly over the next few years, banks and lenders need a solution that helps them stay ahead of the curve.

Mambu is a SaaS, cloud-native, API-driven banking and financial services platform, designed to power financial innovation, bring solutions to market faster, drive down cost barriers and allow ecosystems to expand.

“No one person can deliver a transformational change to a bank or a building society or a financial institution,” explains Nick Lawler, Mambu’s Market Sales Director for UK&I. “You need to look at the wider ecosystem. That's my role, pulling it all together, and that's essentially what Mambu does as well.”

Founded in 2011, today Mambu’s customer list includes fintech start-ups, telcos and top-tier banks, operating on six continents and helping customers constantly change the way financial institutions operate and innovate. 

Joining Mambu in 2021, Lawler has spent more than 20 years working in finance, working for Royal Bank of Scotland, Virgin Money, Central Trust and Merrill Lynch for Mortgages PLC, a subprime mortgage lender.

“I landed on my feet in a technology company that then saw me springboard into another company called Moneyfacts where I was Director of Sales.”

From there, Lawler would join Fiserv as its Head of Banks & Building Societies, before moving to DPR Limited as its Sales Director.

“They're a well-established technology player, but they offer a very different solution, which I think had its place, but now the market has moved on. We're looking at more modern tech which is SaaS and cloud-native.”

As Lawler explains, Mambu’s flexible, modern approach is one that is innovative and exciting.

“I think my favourite part about Mambu is that we are growing, and we are ever-changing,” he says. “I really enjoyed my time at my other companies and I learned a lot. But I'm one of those people who’s looking at where the market is moving.

“I've worked in banking, so I know the pain points. A lot of people come from technology and they don't understand the pain points in a bank. I remember working in a bank and there was one person who built the system and his job was still there because he built the system. 

“We are a rapidly growing company, and we want to do right by the mission the company is founded on: giving access to those without access to financial solutions and banking products to serve the underbanked.”

Still founder-led – Mambu’s Co-founder Eugene Danilkis serves as its CEO – the organisation has a real culture to help meet that mission.

“Culturally, there's a real drive that everyone wants to do the right thing,” Lawler says. “We want to strive.

“The banking market globally is on the cusp of change, and to be part of a company that is leading the charge is very exciting for me.”

Read the full story HERE.


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